for me

Thursday, April 28, 2005

ARGH!! i miss the trip to melbourne.. went with goodie friends.. and of course best friends...

this year.. The shen RE grp shall go together on a learning trip to erm.. aha india.. joking...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

JOkes... ARGH!! cant stop saying that..

Quoting nigel-- stop saying that.. it's not you, sound so unnatural..
My reply was-- jokes... then say jugs la..

"that's you?" haha.. jokes man.. ok i am insane after having a bout of flu and sore throat... considering ponning tmr english day.. but why the hell do i have to take photos.. getting sick of it. haiz.. let's wait for tmr.. if my nose is damn red and is dripping with mucus.. lol i shallnt go then.

RE today was crazy. From research session, turn into eating dried maggi mee session. haha.. the noodles suppose to have some soup. become dried.. then taste so salty.. good luck lang.. later get kidney failure. plus diabetes..

Double bill was quite ok.. but i got a triple treat. Watched feng shuo and some other guy climb into clock tower.. IT WAS damn jokes.. haha.. damn funny la. Then feng shuo cut himself..

Played table tennis with some gay today.. not that i wnat to play with him..but he was good and guess what.. HE' from 3Q... could he be that gay voice promoting earth day? hm.. there's a chance.. WHACK HIM!! althought i wasnt winning him... apparently whenever ppl i noe walk pass.. i shall do some damn shen stroke.. w00t.. at least they think i am winning.. good enuff..

ok.. mugging time. z. hate it. cant wait to chiong dota and swimming..

Saturday, April 09, 2005

MINDS carnival.. FUn fun.. wake up at like 5.45.. then rush off to meet aaron.. Crap la.. keep forgetting things. bak and fro. in the end meet him only at 6.20.. zz

Went off to meet wai sum then we proceeded to see the minds kids. wee hao reached there damn early.. so we went to finalise stuffs and ya.. Reached school... took some photos then become the MASCOT.. DAMN!!!! omg.. OMG.. i dont noe how i got that role.. but obviously i got saboed by everyone.. but it's ok la.. good experience.. minds kids keep hugging me.. then mentors keep asking who i am.. then they all keep wanting to take photos with me.. sianz.. alot of them know me..( not tying to show off.. but trying to show how bad it was to be the mascot) then keep following me around.. AH!!! then morrison seniors like mark and co.. keep asking me do things for them.. like attract minds kids.. lol.

It was damn fun la.. i was like drenched when i come out. lol. so went around slacking with yelin and wai sum and yu heng and shawn. fun . slept in class room haha..

jia en and aaron and co.. went off to rjc to do what.. again.. dont noe what's wrong with them.. haha.. particularly jia en and aaron..

send the minds kids home then went to atrium.. clean up then took some photos for the interact comm... then they thank me and wai sum.. for helping up in the preparation and stuffs like that.. feel good.. haha.

Rock on.. was kinda cool!!

zzz... Jokes. No science quiz. So end up doing creative sci challenge. Wtf la. We had only 1 hr to complete it cuz we didnt know abt it. But in the end we got 3rd!!! Rock on..

Chinese cultural camp we got 1st. Rock on.... Swimming carnival here we come.

Wah stay back until damn late on fri.. like er.. 10?? Lol.. was waiting for walter and alex.. then sit there listen to alex rehearse his parts. Damn funny.. alex keeps trying to sound excited, but fail quite badly. but he tried real hard.. .. in the end he improved alot. So off we go for dinner at 9.30??

Zheng hong bloody joker.. then all of them laughing abt indians.. haha. When we finish liaoz, he ask me in a damn weird tone(hong kong accent) which he does all the time, where i stay.. BISHAn.. lol he almost jumped.. he needs like 1 hr to go home .. haha

Tmr.. Long day ahead .. going to sleep!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


HERE COMES MORRISON! to win the day i hope.. and i hope i can get my gold medal again like I did in sec 1. Then jah singh will praise the team in front of the whole house .. Rock on..

Fri.. I shall know whether i can swim again.. cant wait for it. then I can resume swimming. Stopped for a week. Feeling weird all over. ZZZ

FRI INTERACT CLUB. haha. dont noe why i should hope for that. But hm.. i feel good.. lol weird..

and of course friday marks a new weekend.. marks 3 days of slackness..

Lost a disc. Damn..

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Walking in the rain...

Went to school to do chem project with walter and jonathon. Took the bus, and forgot to bring the damn umbrella. Trapped at the bus stop.

Cars speed round the corner, unfriendly.
Rain lashed at me like whip..
The wind howling at me .... toying with me
Felt so alone
Driven against the ad board
I waited
I want out
Someone get me out of here..

So like that.. read terry brooks while waiting.. the situation in the book was so much like this song.

Last Flight Out

I'm so scared that you will see
All the weakness inside of me
I'm so scared of letting go
That the pain I've hid will show
I know you want to hear me speak
But I'm afraid that if I start to
I'll never stop

I want you to know
You belong in my life
I love the hope
I see in your eyes
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take
The last flight out

I'm afraid that
You will leave
As my secrets
Have been revealed
In my dreams
You'll always stay
Every breathing moment from now
I know you want to hear me speak
But I'm afraid that if I start to
I'll never stop

I want you to know
You belong in my life
I love the hope
I see in your eyes
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take
The last flight out

I cannot hold back
The truth no more
I let you wait too long
Although it's hard and scares me so
A life without you scares me more
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take the last flight out

I want you to know
You belong in my life
I love the hope
I see in your eyes
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take
The last flight out

Damn nice song.. Walter gonna lend me the album.. ROck on..